
2013年10月,我开始在谢大,也就是 University of Sheffield 工作.

这是个两年的合同, 是在一个欧盟项目下,公司暂时把我借调给大学.我的工作标题 是 Marie Curie Experienced Researcher 简单来说也就是研究员,也就是相当于国内说的 博士后(不是学位,只是份工作).

两年, 理论上是十月份结束,可是从去年开始,公司(一次CEO无意了解到我是在大学)决定让我尽早回公司.理由就不细说了.

折腾了三四个月,公司的HR和大学的HR在 Administrative 任务上不断的沟通,终于决定让我在 四月份彻底结束大学,回到公司的怀抱.

本以为还能缓缓,能过一天是一天,但是 HR今天接连发了几封邮件给我:

I have not got anywhere yet with the UoS HR Department so have just emailed the HR Director, XXXXX. You may need to provide confirmation that you wish to resign from your employment with University of Sheffield with immediate effect (I am pushing for 1st May start date with XXXX) so if you could prepare something I will let you know if / when you need to send it.

I have great pleasure in attaching a contract of employment, effective from 1st May, which outlines the terms upon which you will resume employment with XXXX.

后来, 我就发了辞职信:


Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from University of Sheffield, effective from [30/April/2015].

My supervisor, Professor XXXXXX, has agreed to waive the period of notice.

I hope this is sufficient for you to find a replacement for me. If I can help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please let me know.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work here.


Zhihua Lai


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谢大 ID 卡 University of Sheffield

也不清楚 以后到底会不会走 学术这路线, 目前目测不太可能,就让这段美好的 大学成为回忆吧.有点伤感,我会想念你的,谢菲尔得大学.

辞职之后 谢大来了封信 说很快邮箱就不能用了 果然 一个月后 谢大邮箱就访问不了了 真的有点伤感: does that hurt?

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2015-08-30 – 谢大PC已经OFFLINE了 TEAMVIEWER远程登陆不了了

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  1. 兔二爷 | 感性的理性生活
  2. Lingzhb
