看图说话 – 英国的下午茶

I love the afternoon tea break, which is one of the featured culture in Britain. At around 2 to 3 PM, the people will take a break, in the company’s kitchen, the entertaining rooms, or even go to a pub (mostly on Friday afternoon) for a drink.

Ideas are exchanged (people also talk about weather) during the break time. It is a mini social event. The biscuits, muffins, macaron are served with tea or coffee.

In particular, I love the hot muffins with cheese and bacon, which is just yummy.

Sheffield 办公室下面的西街 (West Street) 是条繁华的商业街, 有很多餐厅, 酒巴. 因为谢大就在这条街上, 所以平时一到中午饭点, 学生很多, 在这条街上, 以吃的为主.

英国其实有个下午茶的文化, 就是下午三四点会喝个茶 (Afternoon Tea Break), 吃个饼干放松交流一下. 公司下面的这家咔啡店每次都会用中文打广告, 特别显眼, 于是我就经常去放松放松.

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套餐 热英国松饼 只要 2.79 普通热饮 英国下午茶

这个 Muffin 中间夹的是 培根, 放了点 Cheese, 味道不错, 也是”肉夹馍”的一种吧, 看来是为了迎合中国学生. 这茶, 和汤差不多的杯子, 就是红茶+奶+糖, 就是 English Tea.


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套餐 热英国松饼 只要 2.79 普通热饮 英国下午茶

就十分钟, 放松着, 看着过路的行人, 发呆, 很舒服.

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