再见, 兢兢业业 的 Fasthosts

我第一个 网站申请的就是 Fasthosts ,从 2006 年开始, 已经 8 年了, 其实有感情的.离开它是万不得已,用了VPS之后就再也不想回到 shared server 和别人共用资源.

这两天把东西全部都移出来了, 然后一狠心,数据库也删除,并且 rm -rf ./ 足足有十几分钟等待,然后又回到平静的提示符.-bash-3.2$

由于多交了一年 hosting 的钱, 在写信给 fasthosts 要求 schedule cancellation 他们也很 nice 的回了:

Response By Email (XXXXX - Customer Care) (07/10/2014 11.58 AM)
Dear Zhihua Lai,
Further to your query.
As you've paid for the service up until 08.09.2015, please note it can be utilised with any domain.
I've arranged the requested closure:
steakovercooked.com    Business Silver    08-Sep-2011 12:58:27    08-Sep-2013 12:58:27    XXXXXX
Closure Scheduled
helloacm.com    Business Silver
Add-on Website (XXXXXX)    Date Not Set    Date Not Set    XXXXXX
Closure Scheduled
Please ensure that you have made all the necessary backs ups for your package the day before the closure date, please note that once deleted, all data associated with that hosting account (including web pages, databases, e-mail configuration and storage) will be removed from our servers. We will not terminate access to your control panel  and closing this hosting package will not affect any domain registrations on the account.  If you do not wish to renew a domain name registration please ensure it has been set to expire via your control panel.
Answer Title: Cancelling automatic domain name renewal
Answer Link: https://help.fasthosts.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/18

Kind Regards
Fasthosts Customer Care

其实也没什么好忧伤的, 反正用不上, 现在只是用到了 fasthosts 的 domain 管理功能,暂时还是比较满意的.

今天习惯性登陆上了 steakovercooked.com 却发现 fasthosts 的进程 还兢兢业业的扫描了我的目录(像如果 phpmyadmin 版本过低就会警告说可能会有安全隐患).

### Running On : PowerEdge R300
-bash-3.2$ vim security_health_check.log 
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [               NOTICE ] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [               NOTICE ] This scan has been initiated by an automated process to search for
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [               NOTICE ] files and installations that may be compromised
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [               NOTICE ] No changes are made to your site during this scan.
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [               NOTICE ] Version 2.1.8 [Built 06-06-2014]
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [               NOTICE ] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [                 INFO ] Checking /home/linweb09/z/steakovercooked.com-1048918357/user/htdocs/
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [              SUMMARY ] [/home/linweb09/z/steakovercooked.com-1048918357/user/htdocs/] [0 files found] [0 files scanned]
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [              SUMMARY ] [/home/linweb09/z/steakovercooked.com-1048918357/user/htdocs/] [Path appears clean]
[linweb09] [2014/10/10 07:29:39] [rtkfyotd] [              SUMMARY ] [/home/linweb09/z/steakovercooked.com-1048918357/user/htdocs/] [Scan completed in less than 1 second]

再见, Fasthosts.

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a WordPress rating system
本文一共 205 个汉字, 你数一下对不对.
再见, 兢兢业业 的 Fasthosts. (AMP 移动加速版本)
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