
SteemIt 上第一对公开秀恩爱的夫妻?

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Last week, I order two T-shirts via UK VistaPrint (My ID is @justyy) and my wife’s ID (@happyukgo). It was delivered quickly and we’ve got to try them on for the first time.

Wearing the Steem T-shirt is one of the simple tips to gain popularity and more payout of posts in Steem. Are we the first Steem Couples?

上周在 英国VistaPrint 上定了两件T裇, 一个印有我的 Steem ID @justyy 另一个印有我媳妇的 ID: @happyukgo

据说穿 STEEM衣服比较容易被赞,于是订了两件 我一件 我媳妇一件

媳妇说这LOGO得往上移点 才好看. My Wife said it could be a lot better if the Logo is shifted up a little bit.

媳妇说 我设计的这个LOGO太低了 得往上移点

这镜头有点糊了, 打算换个好一点的镜头. I need a better camera lens (LOL)

单反拍的,光线不足,有点糊, 媳妇笑我拍照技术差,我说是镜头差

媳妇的ID是 happyukgo

是不是 SteemIt 上第一对公开秀恩爱的夫妻?

steem 上公开秀恩爱

没事就撒撒steem 狗粮..

撒撒 steem 狗粮

抱得 steem 美人归

抱得 steem 美人归

IPHONE前置摄像头拍的有点糊了, 后来发现是前面贴膜的原因… 汗…



微信公众号: 小赖子的英国生活和资讯 JustYYUK

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