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整理硬盘, 翻出十一年前为了搬出学校宿舍写的英文信.

Dear administrator,

Recently, I am leading a terrible life; I often stay awake the whole night keeping counting the remote stars; The room every day seems becoming smaller and smaller , inducing the strong feeling of being confined in a prison, which makes me sometimes very depressed. The heavy iron door and the lack of the access to the internet are also contributing to the possibility of driving me to the edge of madness. The washing machine, the cover of which seems having perfect relationship with dirt, keeps me far away. I guess I need more fortune for through my window, noise of airplanes every minute could rush in with very little effort. Maybe I should have declined settling down but on arrival (Sept. 9, 2004) I did not even have a chance to check before signing on the agreement. Besides, I was so tired with thousand tons of luggage after flight that I had really no more energy to look for a new place and to decide to throw away a large sum of deposit I paid before. I really feel bad about living in Room J1, College House and about the trouble that may bring to you. To some extent, it is an individual occurrence. It is undeniable that the accommodation you provide is OK. But some regulations, at least I think, are far from perfection. That reminds me of a nightmare a couple of days ago, in which the loss of the keys made me upset and feel sick. 60 pounds is quite a significant amount that I cried because I dropped the hard work of my parents. Well, the new semester has begun but I am still not in my element. So I intend to move out. I hope you can fully understand my feelings. Also, I appreciate your help and suggestions about my living in UK.

With best regards

我2004年9月9日刚到英国 住到 2005年7月份 的学校宿舍. 距离学校计算机教学楼 只需要2分钟走路. 非常的近. 一个月当时是只需要200多英镑 包水电 特别便宜. 缺点是太闷了 没有网络. 而且房间特别小 公共的洗澡和厕所, 6人一间公共的厨房. 后来 2005年之后很快 学校就弃用了这个 宿舍楼 College House.




几个大男生没人打扫 就成这样


厨房 各种聊天

当时的我只有 120

卧室很小 单人床




特别像监狱 重重的防火门






好吧, 看完这样图再给文中开头的那英文:

1. 刚到英国 英文水平不自然
2. 表达了一个很想搬出去的愿望. 当然故意夸大了一些事实. 比如抑郁. 实际上是来了英国一个月后 交了些朋友 想一起合租 比较开心. 你要知道住在宿舍楼有时候一天出门和回家都是一个人 几乎没有和人说话.
3. 当时开始看 老友记 所以很自然很多地方 学习了台词的句式.
4. 由于签了一年合同 无法提前搬出. 但是后来学校找了一个心理医生 来找我聊天 还留了电话 被我婉言谢绝了.

当时认识了很多人 很多事 十一年后记忆忧新.


微信公众号: 小赖子的英国生活和资讯 JustYYUK

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