
孩子取得英国计算机挑战在线竞赛 Distinction 奖

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弟弟去年的时候拿回来一张奖状(UK Bebras Challenge 2023, 拿了109分),第一张计算机相关的奖。不过他说并没有考编程,只是逻辑题,哥哥说他也有一张,也是Distinction,不过好像得120分以上才能进入下一轮。

英国UK Bebras在线考试都是在孩子上学期间完成的,不拿回奖状家长估计都不知道什么时候的事。不过我感觉除非进入下一轮,否则都没啥含金量。弟弟说好像只有六年级才可以进入下一轮。

UK Bebras Challenge 2022 英国计算机竞赛


2023年弟弟也同样拿到了UK Bebras挑战赛Distinction, 今年比去年多了5分

英国比弗挑战赛(UK Bebras Challenge)简介















The UK Bebras Challenge is an engaging, online competition aimed at promoting computational thinking and computer science among students. Here are some key aspects of this challenge:

Target Audience: The Bebras Challenge is designed for students of different age groups, typically ranging from primary to secondary school levels. It is inclusive and offers various difficulty levels to cater to students with different abilities and experiences in computing.

Format and Content: The challenge consists of a set of problems that students solve online. These problems are fun, task-based, and often require logical thinking and problem-solving skills rather than specific programming knowledge. This makes it accessible to students with no prior experience in computer science.

Objectives: The primary aim of the Bebras Challenge is to stimulate interest in computer science and computational thinking—a fundamental skill in today’s digital world. It also serves as a great tool for teachers to identify and nurture students’ talents in these areas.

Organizational Structure: The challenge is usually organized annually and is often coordinated by educational bodies or computer science departments in collaboration with schools. Participation in the challenge is typically free, and it’s facilitated by teachers who register their schools and students.

Global Participation: While the UK Bebras Challenge is specific to the United Kingdom, Bebras is an international initiative and competitions are held in many countries around the world, each adapting the challenge to their educational context.

Benefits for Students: Apart from learning and improving their computational thinking skills, students also get a sense of achievement and motivation to delve deeper into computer science. Top performers in the challenge are often recognized, and this can lead to further opportunities in computing education and careers.

The UK Bebras Challenge is highly regarded for its role in making computational thinking and computer science more accessible and enjoyable to a wide range of students. It encourages students to understand and apply fundamental principles of computer science at an early age, which is crucial in a world increasingly reliant on technology.



微信公众号: 小赖子的英国生活和资讯 JustYYUK

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