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2004 年 9月9 日 entry clearance 过来读大二,当时签证是一年,
2005年签了一年到2006年大三毕业, 读博,
2006签了四年到 2010年,
2010年签 PSW (Post Study Work, 毕业可以有两年找工作签证),
2011 年 T1G (高技术移民签证 当时计分制,比要求高 15 分),
2013 T1G 续三年到 2016.
2014年8月 26 号 special delivery 寄出,
27 号 tracking 显示收到,
28 号早上银行走帐 1093 胖子.(这扣钱速度)
28 号出的 Acknowledgement 信, 9月3 号寄到律师那里

9月 16 号 HOME OFFICE 来了指纹信, 25 号早上律师给我电话,我下午去取,就直接在附近的 邮局里把指纹按了.
12月 4 号下午, 律师打来电话,说已经批下来了, 但是BRP卡还没寄到,等寄到的时候会让我去取!

我是请了 Sheffield 的律师 (我个人觉得不错, 价钱公道,需要的话PM我)
其实十年表格申请很简单.但我 09 年到瑞士交流学习一年, 我总觉得我天数超过了,但是由于当年来来回回英国瑞士(几乎每周坐一次飞机) 所以律师算出来只有 400 天左右, 也没有单次 超过 180 天的.

附上律师写的 cover letter 中的一段话做为 background:


Our client first entered the UK as a student on 09/09/2004. His Entry Clearance was valid from 31/07/2004 until 31/10/2005. On 28/10/2005 our client was granted an extension under the same category until 31/10/2006. This was further extended under the same category on 25/10/2006 until 31/07/2010. On 23/10/2010 our client was granted a further extension under the Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) category until 23/07/2012. Prior to expiry of visa our client extended this visa under the Tier 1 (General) category. This leave was valid until 05/04/2013. Prior to the expiry of this visa our client applied for a further extension under Tier 1 (General). This was granted on 18/04/2013 and is due to expire on 18/04/2016. It is therefore submitted that our client has now completed 10 years continuous lawful residence in the UK and meets the requirements of paragraph of Rules 276B and therefore wishes to apply for ILR accordingly.”


Encl: Completed form SET (LR)
Original current Chinese passport No: XXXXXXXXX
Original expired Chinese passport No: XXXXXXXXX
Original current Biometric Residence Card No: XXXXXXXXX
Original Pass Notification Letter Life in the UK Test
Original degree certificate and transcript
Letter from Professor XXXXX at the University of XXX|XXX
Signed Researcher Agreement
Agreement offer letter from the host institution x 2
Original Police Registration Certificate
Employer certified wage slips x 10
2 passport photographs
Original current RBS bank statements
Tenancy Agreement
P60 form x 2

也花了 10 镑去去申请 Subject Access Request, 但是好像没有多大用处.
我觉得这里的材料,最难准备的就是 Life In UK 了, 你懂的 🙂


微信公众号: 小赖子的英国生活和资讯 JustYYUK

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