

我们都知道 斐波那契数列 的定义如下:
We all know the Fibonacci sequence is defined as:

and the terminating conditions are

First few Fibonacci numbers are

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 …

If you code, that is easy, however, it is even easier just using Excel spreadsheet to calculate the Fibonacci numbers
写程序很简单, 但是不用写程序仅用EXCEL也可以分分钟求出前几项的值.

Open Excel, 打开 Excel,
Put 0 at A1 在A1输入0
Put 1 at A2 在A2输入=A1+A2

Put 1 at A2 在A2输入=A1+A2

Enter formula =A1+A2 at Cell A3 在A3输入公式 = A1+A2

Click and Drag A3 to fill the other cells in the same A:A column. 然后点击A3的右下角往下拉到底, 立马就能计算斐波那契数列, 很神奇有木有?

Click and Drag A3 to fill the other cells in the same A:A column. 然后点击A3的右下角往下拉到底, 立马就能计算斐波那契数列, 很神奇有木有?

Excel autocomplete the formulas e.g. A4=A2+A3, A5=A3+A4 这是因为 EXCEL强大的公式自动填补, 如: A4=A2+A3, A5=A3+A4以此类推…..

英文: Iterative Computing Fib Number using Excel

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在EXCEL里也可以计算斐波那契数列. (AMP 移动加速版本)
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