在英国一周工作 168 小时

理论上, 一周有 24 * 7 = 168 小时. 在欧州其它国家, 一周工作超过 48 小时是违法的, 不管你愿意还是雇主要求你.

但是, 在英国, 如果你的确要工作那么多, 比如你已经有一份全职工作了 (38小时), 并且第想再工作另一份,远远超过 48小时, 这时候,往往第二个雇主需要你填一份声明, 意思是说是你个人自愿工作超过 48 小时, 并不是公司强迫你干的.

“3.3 Regulation 4(1) of the Working Time Regulations 1998 (the “WTR”) provides that your average working time, including overtime, should not exceed 48 hours for each seven day period (to be averaged over a period of 17 weeks) unless you agree otherwise. In accordance with Regulation 5 of the WTR you agree that Regulation 4(1) of the WTR will not apply to your employment with the Company. You may at any time give one months’ written notice to withdraw your agreement to this.”

合同这里写着 “unless you agree otherwise”, 一般合同上会有让你签名说我愿意放弃这个权利 waive my rights (不能超过 48 小时) 只要你签上了大名, 公司就可以让你工作超过 48 小时. 当然如果你真的缺钱, 需要养家糊口, 你可以自己写一份声明, 然后交给雇主,一份留着自己做记录.

模板给需要的人, 不用谢:

Dear Sir/Madam,

To whomever this concerns:

I [XXXXX] agree that I may work for more than an average of 48 hours a week. If I change my mind,
I will give my employer [amount of time – up to 3 months’] notice in writing to end this agreement.

Signed…………………………………… Date…………………………………….

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在英国一周工作 168 小时. (AMP 移动加速版本)
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