一封邮件砍掉 5000 英镑

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看中一处房, 去看了两次, 老婆已经说可以买了, 其实也很满意, 并且老是担心房子被别人先买走了.

第二次看房后, 我就说, 要不再和房东砍砍价? 要价是 20万9950 英镑, 当时第一次砍到19万5(说是19万太低了) 老婆就说会不会太好, 其实要是她去, 她也不好意思再砍价, 很有可能就妥协了.

我说, 没事的, 试一试总是好的, 况且中介说下一次有人看房是周六, 还有两天时间.

我想了想, 还有时间, 于是就发了一封邮件给中介, 随便找了两个理由, 这房子19万已经算便宜的了, 原因就是里面装修太破, 需要整整, 本来 19 万5, 省下来的钱就用来装修, 是可以接受的.

Thanks for this arrangement.
Could you let the vendor know that if it is possible to reduce the price to the previous 190K? The reasons are:

1. we found out that there is no central heating and it costs around 5000+ to get it properly installed. (The electrical heating is expensive and we can't afford this)
2. there are already many other bits of the house that need re-decorating and to be honest, we don't have much left after we pay deposit, stamp duty, solicitor etc.

Buying a house is a big finance commitment and that is why we need to balance a lot more before we can happily make a decision.

当天下午, 老婆很紧张, 老是问我中介回了没. 后来中介在四点多的时候打电话告诉我, 说是房东同意了, 但是前提是不能再砍价了, 即使之后程序上银行会安排专门做一次房子的调查(查安全问题之类的).

我说没问题, 就这样, 于是告诉我的律师, 进行下一步. 过了一会, 中介把广告撤下来, 上面显示 “Sold Out STC” (Subject to Contract)

sold-stc 一封邮件砍掉 5000 英镑 正能量 生活 讲故事 资讯



Dear Dr Lai

We are delighted to be able to write and confirm that your offer of £190,000 (one hundred and ninety thousand) on the above property has been agreed by the vendor subject to contract and survey, as per the conditions detailed in the attached Memorandum of Sale.

We have written to your solicitors, Messrs Malcolm C Foy and also to the vendors solicitors Messrs Taylor & Emmet who will act together in moving the sale on.

We very much hope that this sale will go through successfully and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

希望一切顺利, 大概需要二个月.

5000镑, 首付省了 500 镑, 房屋印花税, 省了 100 镑. 25年利率还3%来说, 5000*0.03*25=3750 英镑. 也是不少.


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