
上一周, 不小心触碰了机箱后面的电源线, 接触不良, 结果机器再也开不起来了. 显示 Invalid Disk, Replace. 大概就是主硬盘MBR区坏了.

seagate-sshd-harddrive-broken-scaled 英国硬盘数据恢复失败的经验和教训 折腾 硬件


我以为是接触不良, 于是反复插把硬盘卡槽好几次, 机器认不出, 硬盘也没声音, 于是便网上搜索了一个剑桥评价最高的 硬盘数据恢复公司 Cambridge Data Recovery.

发邮件, 问价, 回说 360英镑 包VAT税, 不能再便宜了(我问交CASH现金或者自己提供新硬盘是否可以便宜). 于是我就把硬盘送到了公司. 一天后, 数据恢复公司评估了情况, 给我回邮件, 说大概只有50%的概率, 问是否继续. 如果恢复不成功, 收费只需要180英镑, 否则付全款.

初步诊断是硬盘磁头坏了, 并有少量磁片划伤, 需要把硬盘拆下来, 然后换到一块新的硬盘上再试着把数据拷出来.

Thank you for contacting us regarding your Hard Disk issue.

From your description, your disk appears to have Mechanical or Electronic Fault.

Mechanical or Electronic fault normally means your hard disk does not get recognised, makes clicking or beeping noises or is not allowing you access to any data on the hard disk. The good news is we can certainly help you recover your data. Our data recovery service is among the fastest in Cambridge and only takes 2-3 days.

How it works:
1) Print and complete the attached Shipping Form.
2) Post your hard disk including the Shipping Form to: Cambridge Data Recovery, Compass House, Vision Park, Chivers Way, Cambridge, CB24 9AD.
3) Alternatively, you can drop your hard disk at reception anytime between 9am-5.30pm. (Please request a booking form at reception so we know who you are.)
4) Once we receive your hard disk, we will make a free no-obligation diagnosis and confirm the issue within 1 working day. If you are happy to proceed, we will then recover your data within 1-2 working days.

Mechanical/Electronic Fault: £299 (ex VAT)

If you require an urgent fix, we also offer a premium Critical Data Recovery Service and recover your data within 24 hours. Please call 01223 655015 (9am-6pm) or reply to this email for this service.

如果需要取回原来的硬盘, 则需要花120英镑因为他们需要把零件再组装回, 并快递给你.

Terms of job are below for your records. Please note the reassembled fee if you require your original drive reassembled and sent back.

Platter Exchange Procedure Terms:
£150+vat is payable upfront to cover parts & labour (this fee is non-refundable) with the other £150+vat only payable if we recover the data from the drive (no fix no fee).
The no fix no fee payment also includes a new portable hard drive and courier return.
If you require the drive re-assembled after the recovery there is an extra cost of £100+vat, we don’t send back drive in bits and pieces.

很可惜, 数据恢复失败. 原因是说只有6%的磁片可以读取, 但在这6%的数据里提取不到有用的数据.

Unfortunately we could not recover the data from the hard drive due to media damage on the hard drive disk platters.

We imaged your hard drive disk platters 6%, however there was 94% we could not image from your disk platters.

We scanned the 6% image for any good data, unfortunately no good data was recovered from the partial image.

Initial problem on the hard disk was read/write head failure, although this did not cause any media damage to start with, it seems the hard drive was powered on for a period of time after the read/write head failure which caused media damage on the disk platters.

Your only other option for recovery is a forensic style recovery in our lab in London.

We don’t feel this is a viable option based on the low percentage your disk platters were imaged but if you need them to review your job let us know and I will put in a request to them (it takes them one day to review jobs, forensic cost for your size of drive would be around the £1000+vat mark).

很惨, 花了300英镑, 把硬盘的尸体解剖了一下, 折腾了半天, 数据没恢复成, 得到了惨痛的经验和教训:


  1. 硬盘坏了, 立马停电送修, 千万不能反复开机. 因为本来硬盘只是读写磁头坏了, 结果我以为是接触不良, 反复的试, 反而把磁片弄坏了. 磁片是硬盘最重要的部分, 上面存着数据, 坏了就没了. 数据恢复还是不要存有侥幸心理, 一定要交给专业的人来弄. 除非对数据恢复不再报有希望, 千万不要有死马当活马医的这种危险想法.
  2. 平时一定要备份, 我嫌照片太多太大, 就没有放云上. 其实 Dropbox, 微软的 OneDrive, Google 的 Google Drive, 苹果的 iCloud 还有Box 等都有免费的额度可以把照片等文件存在云上. 特别要提到 Google 的 Google Photos, 如果照片和视频质量选择有损压缩(其实人眼看不出区别), 是可以免费无限存放的, 特别好用.
  3. 这几年的照片和视频都在这硬盘上, 大部分没有备份, 真是可惜, 好郁闷. 还好平时发些朋友圈写写博客等, 要不然多年的照片都没了. 在区块链上存文字和照片是最好不过的了, 多种备份.
  4. 数据不要放在 系统盘, 因为系统 盘出故障概率更大一些, 这次因为我系统盘是新买的, 所以我以为比较可靠. 硬盘很脆弱, 有时候开机关机一通电就很容易坏, 和买多少没啥关系, 我机器里的其它三块硬盘都比这块硬盘寿命长一倍, 到现在还好好的.
  5. 尽可能选口碑好一点的, 千万不要贪便宜, 西捷 Seagate 的故障返修率很高, 当初可能多花些钱买一个西部WD数据可能就不会坏了, 哎, 说不准的事.

之前NAS也坏了, 我感觉 NAS 也很容易就坏了, 因为放外面容易震动.

最好有条件应该搞一个 RAID 阵列, 稳定可靠性高, 几块硬盘同时坏的概率不大.

英国的数据恢复服务还是真的贵, 不成功也收费, 不像国内的数据恢复, 不成功不收费, 而且大概也就1000-2000人民币.

后来搞了一个18TB的硬盘放车库当成云硬盘: 搞了一个18TB的台式机硬盘当成云硬盘 – 数据只有在多个备份下才是你的.

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英国硬盘数据恢复失败的经验和教训. (AMP 移动加速版本)
上一篇: 在 速卖通 Ali Express 上的购物体验 (阿里巴巴国际版的几个坑)
下一篇: 系统盘用上了2TB的SSD固态硬盘的确速度飞快

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