我想要大房子! I want a Bigger House !

The houses in Cambridgeshire are expensive and small compared to the North e.g. Sheffield. It says 3 bedroom, but usually, the third one is very small. You could barely count it as a bedroom or a 2.5 bedroom house.

I spent 4 years in Sheffield before I moved south to Cambridgeshire. with around 200K pounds, you can get a 4 bedroom detached house in Sheffield, but in Cambridgeshire, the best you can get is a 3 (or 2.5) semi-detach, or most of the cases, the terrace house.

I today, put my desktop in the corner of the living room, so that I can put a temp bed for guests coming over next week.

I need to make MORE money to buy a bigger house…. as my sons often said to me: “Dad, I want a bigger house!”

今天在家收拾屋子,台式机搬到了客厅的小角落.原因是我姐还有姐夫侄子还有公公婆婆下周过来英国找我玩,于是家里的3房2厅太小了 勉强能塞下9个人.剑桥的房子说3个卧室,其实有一个非常小,只能用于当书房或者电脑房, 不过勉强还是能塞下一张气垫床的.

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说到底,还是房子太小. :cry :cry.

所以:我也一直和 @jubi 一样,琢磨买别野呢!

Make money, and then buy villas 买别墅,我一直琢磨这事!

不过, 每当想到如此, 就想起当年迷茫的我.

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