Steem 事件后续 – 己所不欲勿施于人

昨天我发了一贴: SteemIt 开发团队把一个70级的大鱼帐号拿来当测试 – 泄露钥匙, 有惊无险

没想到今天 @justtryme90 在 steem chat 上给我留言了:

It’s a mistake to point out someone else’s messup like that, when they have noticed and already changed their keys.
Especially when that person is XXXX

我突然就有点后怕, 怕大神们来踩而不是点赞, 但实际上大神说得很有道理, 开发者已经认识到问题并且已经及时修正了, 我们就不要再指出问题了.

虽然我本意并不是针对开发者, 我只是就事论事, 但这事的确我做得不太妥当. 换位思考, 如果我成为帖子里的主角, 我心理也并不是滋味, 所以我马上把截图中的ID去掉, 把帖子中的开发者ID给去掉.


这篇文章的目的并不是指出开发者的问题, 我们仅是讨论而已, 就事论事, 避免以后犯同样的错误.

己所不欲勿施于人, 凡事多思考, 谨言慎行. 这句话 我会加到 微信群 群规里, 并且, 在这里我认真的对原开发者说句抱歉.

sorry Steem 事件后续 - 己所不欲勿施于人 I.T. SteemIt


In my post A SteemIt Development Incident, I mentioned the developer’s mistake, but my intention is to learn from the lessons and avoid the similar mistakes in the future.

As @justtryme90 points out:

It’s a mistake to point out someone else’s messup like that, when they have noticed and already changed their keys.
Especially when that person is XXXX

Yes, he is absolutely right. And It is my fault that mentioning the ‘mistake’ but my intention is never so. Therefore, I removed mentioning the developer in both text and screenshots.

With no offence to point out the developer’s mistakes, the main purpose is to what we can learn the lessons from this incident. So I have removed mentioning the developer.

One should not impose on others what he himself/herself does not desire.

We should really think twice before posting on Steemit. And I feel sorry if this causes any unpleasantness to the author, which I know it will if I were to be mentioned in other’s post if I made a mistake.

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Steem 事件后续 – 己所不欲勿施于人. (AMP 移动加速版本)
上一篇: SteemIt 开发团队把一个70级的大鱼帐号拿来当测试 - 泄露钥匙, 有惊无险
下一篇: STEEM中文区剪刀石头布大赛 - 第一期 (奖金30 SBD + 帖子SBD收益) - Rock-Paper-Scissors Gaming Contest for SteemIt CN Community

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