
今天收到 adsense 邮件 [Action Required] Compliance with Google’s EU User Consent Policy 大意是我的两个博客没有满足GDPR条例, 得在2个月内修好.

GDPR 被称为欧洲最严格的用户隐私条例, 你想收集用户资料, 就得老老实实征求用户许可.

Adsense 个人定制化的广告更需要基于用户的一些信息 比如Cookie, 所以在欧洲的 Adsense 帐号就必须在网站上显示这些GDPR的信息 并且要征求用户同意.

在Adsense里可以将定制化的广告关闭, 不过即使这样, 网站也是得显示GDPR, 因为有很多地方还是需要用到 Cookie.

If you do not serve personalized ads to users that visit your site, and visits to your site do not influence the ads served elsewhere, you are still required to obtain consent for the use of cookies or mobile identifiers, where legally required. Consent for cookies or mobile identifiers is still required because non-personalized ads still use cookies or mobile identifiers to combat fraud and abuse, for frequency capping, and for aggregated ad reporting. also provides an example of a notice that might be appropriate in this case. Please see our Help with the EU user consent policy for more details.


CloudFlare里可以搜索安装 GDPR 的应用, 不过我感觉不是很好用. 在Adsense里的 Privacy/Messaging 隐私和消息里就可以一键开启 GDPR消息提醒.

google-adsense-privacy-messaging-gdpr Adsense广告里需要开启GDPR设置 Adsense 广告 资讯

Configure GDPR in Google’s Adsense

在 Adsense 里配置GDPR

gdpr-adsense-configuration-message Adsense广告里需要开启GDPR设置 Adsense 广告 资讯

Configuring GDPR options of message in Adsense Privacy&Messaging Tab

gdpr-adsense-sites Adsense广告里需要开启GDPR设置 Adsense 广告 资讯

Enable GDPR Notification to sites in Adsense


gdpr-message Adsense广告里需要开启GDPR设置 Adsense 广告 资讯

GDPR Notification Powered by Adsense


gdpr-message-learn-more Adsense广告里需要开启GDPR设置 Adsense 广告 资讯

Learn more options of Google Adsense GDPR Notification

英文: How to Comply with GDPR in Adsense?

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Adsense广告里需要开启GDPR设置. (AMP 移动加速版本)
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