儿子的日记: 去北爱尔兰游玩的第一天

这次复活节全家去了北爱尔兰游玩了5天. 回来之后孩子妈就让老大写了日记(英文).

diary-northen-ireland 儿子的日记: 去北爱尔兰游玩的第一天 游记 生活 育儿 英文


It was a sunny day on Wednesday the 10th of April. We waked up a early morning. We drived our car to the airport and we went on a airplane but it was horrible because I can’t hear myself. Then we land on Northen Ireland. After a while, we went to Dark Hedge, I accidently stepped in the mud, “Not good”, mum said. Then I climb the biggest tree I found. After that we went to eat lunch in the French room and I eat noodles!. In the afternoon, we went to Carrick-a-Rede Rope bridge. It’s a bit of scary up there because i thought I was going to fall down. Then we took the bus to Giant Causway and I have fun there because It was fun climbing the Giant Causeway. Finally we went to Holiday Inn Express to eat dinner and play games.



这是4月10日星期三的阳光灿烂的日子. 我们清晨醒来. 我们把车开到了机场, 然后我们乘飞机去了, 但是太可怕了, 因为我听不到自己. 然后我们降落在北爱尔兰. 过了一会儿, 我们去了Dark Hedge, 我意外地走进泥里, “不好”, 妈妈说. 然后我爬上我找到的最大的树. 之后我们去法国房间吃午饭, 我吃面条! 下午, 我们去了Carrick-a-Rede Rope桥. 那里有点吓人, 因为我以为我会摔倒. 然后我们坐公共汽车前往巨人路(Giant Causway), 我在那里玩得很开心, 因为攀登巨人堤道很有趣. 最后我们去了Holiday Inn Express吃晚餐和玩游戏.


孩子的字写得比我好 (我很久都没动笔了)

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儿子的日记: 去北爱尔兰游玩的第一天. (AMP 移动加速版本)
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7049?replytocom=161447%2Famp 儿子的日记: 去北爱尔兰游玩的第一天 游记 生活 育儿 英文

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