
上周五看了一个房子, 在剑桥市中心, 价格比同地区的房子便宜许多(几万英镑), 一个很大的原因是房子内部装修较破. 我本想着, 房子内部破无所谓, 反而将来升值空间较大.

房子主要是看地区: 我现在住的相对于剑桥市中心类似于河北相对于北京天安门. 4年前买房的时候并没有那么多钱, 而且时间也比较紧(当时从谢菲到剑桥也就两三个月时间准备), 所以也就选了一个剑桥的村庄里(但一点都不升值! ), 主要是看价格合适, 孩子上学也方便, 学校也不错, 离公司也近, 离剑桥也不远(20分钟).

谁知, 一住就是四年多, 平日在村里与世无争, 有点闷.


这次看的这个房子1960年代建筑的, 屋顶是钢筋结构, 刚开始的时候中介就和我说过了这个问题, 但是他说应该问题不大, 直到上周六我把买房材料拿到中介办公室让他们”认证一下” (也就是证明我能有能力购买房子 financially qualified, 省得耽误他们时间), 然后周二的时候就被告之因为我准备用的是HSBC房贷, 他们说HSBC银行不会同意的.

We understand that you’re looking to progress through HSBC. Our mortgage advisor has explained to us, that because of the structure of the property it means the property falls out of HSBC’s mortgage criteria due to it being a steal frame. For this reason, the owners will be looking to proceed with another offer at this point in time. I do apologise for the inconvenience, I’ve only received word this morning. All the best with your sale and future purchase.

虽然我拿到了汇丰HSBC银行的 Decision in Principle: 也就是银行根据你的财务状况而出的一个最多可以借你多少钱的一个非正式的说明, 但是有很多条条框框, 比如真正房子交接的时候需要申请再核实工资单等. 你要买的房子也需要被银行审核认可.

买房需要请第三房对房子做一个调查, 调查报告很详细, 银行需要过目, 如果银行认为房子有问题: 比如结构危险(危房), 或者是有被淹没的危险(有洪灾的风险), 或者是房子较旧或因为结构问题很难再卖, 那么银行就不愿意放贷给你了.

因为银行借你钱也有风险, 如果你还不起钱了, 银行则会把你的房子收回拍卖, 如果房子卖不出好价钱(或没人买), 那么银行就亏钱了.

真的是: 你不可能比银行聪明的.

我问了我的汇丰HSBC的房贷经理 Mortgage advisor: 他是这么回的:

All properties to be used for mortgage are subject to valuation to ensure that they meet certain standard and of value for lending. So while I cannot say which property will meet our criteria as I’m not a structural engineer or surveyor, the bank will expect properties that are not of standard construction to be checked further.

Please find below what steel frame related properties may be required to have for it to be accepted (please note: this is not conclusive):

Hawthorn Leslie steel frame with masonry cladding – Subject to suitable invasive structural engineer’s report.

While the following are not acceptable to:

  • Livett Cartwright steel frames – These are steel framed houses where deterioration may occur.
  • Hawthorn Leslie steel frame with boarded finish
  • BISF (British Iron and Steel Federation) – Steel framed property.

While I cannot confirm the suitability of anyone of this, I hope this help in your decision making. Should you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact me.

看来钢筋框架也分好多种, 我这种外行人也懒得搞懂了, 反正银行认为不行就不行吧, 只能和该房子无缘了.

house-in-cambridge 英国HSBC汇丰银行因为房子钢筋结构不肯放贷 房子 房贷 资讯 银行



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英国HSBC汇丰银行因为房子钢筋结构不肯放贷. (AMP 移动加速版本)
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